Explaining platelet-rich plasma
Platelets rich in plasma have a higher concentration. A blood sample is taken, and its components are separated before determining if a patient has PRP. This process is done with a centrifuge machine that spins the blood until certain cells drift into various layers – which is how the aspects of the blood are separated.
It may be surprising to most people that neither the red or white blood cells have anything to do with the procedure. Those cells are sorted out of the cells that actually produce new collagen. And if the red and white blood cells are not separated and removed, they can cause swelling in place of the healing that’s desired.
In case you’re wondering, plasma itself is not the color you may think, when you think of blood. It’s a straw-colored fluid that rises to the top of the centrifuge machine when the blood is spun rapidly. PRP in Providence, RI, isn’t just used for facial treatments, but also used in other medical issues as well. It’s just an overall genius way to promote faster healing.
Is PFRM (Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix) the best option?
Although there are several varieties of PRP techniques, the process called the Selphyl® Centrifuge is popular because of its customized separation tubes. These tubes are designed to gather only quality PRP when separating layers of cells.
When separated, the PRP is pushed into a coating of calcium chloride, which starts the conversion from fibrinogen to fibrin. This material is considered the main clotting ingredient. Stable platelets are needed, so the fibrin ensures the release of growth factors through its stabilization matrix. Only the best results and optimization comes from this chosen procedure.
Although this may sound complicated, the procedure is simple. In Providence, RI, patients can feel comfortable receiving the best innovative and even unconventional treatments to regain youth and beauty.
Learn more
If you’re interested in learning more about PRP injections and how these treatments may benefit you, call us today to schedule your appointment at 401.521.0303 or email concierge@skinsationalri.com